I've largely just existed the last few weeks. My normal routines and disciplines have been nowhere to be seen.
Meanwhile there's this kind of chuckling disbelief, at it all. I know its happening, but it doesn't feel like it should be real. Reality is off kilter, and everything feels up in the air, like well... *shrug* So that's a thing.
I know I think differently than most folks but I think I'm shocked at the gap between how I figured things were going with this election and what happened. I am overwhelmed at the magnitude of the choices made and what it says about my fellow citizens.
It feels vaguely matrix like. Suddenly the world doesn't feel like the world I know, and even more divorced from the basic standards of decency and rationality that I thought were here.
My old normal feels strangely performative and shallow.
Good morning groovy souls!
I need to pull up. I'm feeling pretty good. I'm trying to bride the gap between feeling better and the motivation to take the next step. I'm still kind of bunkered in and hiding, I havent been able to reestablish my routines.
I will get there. It always takes me longer to get restarted than I'd like or expect it to take.
ADHD Burnout and overwhelm. Which sounds terrible, but in reality I'm ok... just kind of a lump at the moment.
I will freely admit my headspace is not where it should be. I suspect many are in the same situation.
My failings lately have not done me any favors and I think all of us need to get our minds and emotions in the proper place before we begin to tackle the world's problems. If not we will only perpetuate them.
I will be seeking help outside of #CounterSocial but I would like to start a hashtag where we can come together to help each other as well.
Would anybody be willing to do this with me?
Good morning groovy souls!
I'm having a hard time pulling up. I'm in a pretty good place mentally, but it's not translating to much at the moment.
I guess I'm still processing. I'm letting myself have time, while trying to push a bit each day.
Rebuilding like this always takes me more time than I expect but eventually my paws will catch traction and I'll be going like I was again.
@catmomkathy Hello new buddy! Thank you for joining me on the journey!
Good morning groovy souls!
I am feeling better, feeling focused, but I'm still not on the bounce. I'm having a hard time pushing beyond where I'm at right now and that's ok.
It's hard for me to show this patience but I know if I push to hard I will make even less progress.
When I'm restarting there are always a few moments of false start until everything catches and I'm back at 100% again.
Things will sort!
@JanetZumba_FalPals JanNaut has given bunny a follow. Bunny is free! ^_^
Thanks for joining me on the journey groovy souls!
Star Wars: Victory Celebration & Main Theme
Do not go quietly! Onward, toward the dawn!
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.