Good morning groovy souls.
I am in motion again. Got a call as I was getting ready for bed, from a friend in tears. They had an emergency and needed help, so bunny go.
Luckily, the person I'm helping seems to be recovering to the point that he'll be ok a day while I get this sorted, and he insisted I go.
"Leave or I'm tossing you out. She needs help more than me right now," I think were his exact words.
Life has been wild lately.
Good morning groovy souls!
I got up an hour early, and that worked well for me!
From this mornings journal:
Time boggles me. It flows with ease, and it is both in abundance and scarcity, at any given moment. I do not think it is so much a problem of time, but a problem of everything wanting to happen at the same time, or needing to happen. The routine and rigor help me greatly. My days flow, but they flow rapidly.
Onward, toward the dawn!
I need to get my story out, and move on with my day. There is this persistent thought to Go! Go! Go!
You know what though? I'm taking time to eat slowly and have my coffee first, while watching Coso in all of its delightful colors.
I know if I give in to strongly to my desire to push and be efficient, I will not be able to push or be efficient for anything, much less the important things I truly want to achieve.
Good morning groovy souls! I am on the bounce and ready to face the day.
Feeling a bit tired today, but the last few days have been a lot!
I am resting as I can, and making certain to make times for the important things!
A friend sent this image yesterday and I thought I'd share it. It's a wonderful take on being!
@q00w2 Hi Swoop! It's great to see you again!
Today has been so utterly packed it's been hard to find a time to stop.
I started my new contractor job with the law firm today. I'm transcribing body cam footage for a defense attorney. It can be tedious, but it's not terrible, and I seem to be pretty good at it by what I've been told.
Between that, an hour run, a Sangha meeting, house cleaning, talking to the parents, workouts, meditation... It's been a day!
I'm settling down then I'm going to rest.
Good night groovy souls!
It's been a busy morning and i'm running behind. I spent the first hour and a half when I normally edit getting paperwork in for the Law Firm I'm contracting with. Now I'm finally getting to edit.
The apartment is quiet, and the birds are singing. I've got some time alone as my buddy that I'm helping is at work.
The peace and quiet is a welcome thing even though I'm feeling a bit frantic.
Looking forward to meditation as soon as I can get these chapters fixed and posted.
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.