@AskTheDevil @FrankCannon When are people going to learn... don't talk to the cops. :P
@wolfwoman The Covid shot absolutely wrecked me this year, so it may be that or a confluence of both. I hope you feel better soon buddy!
@Ms420 Im thinking with all the recent activism The Portland Protesters would work. :P
@Ms420 The ummm... Portland Bridgers! The Portland Rose... wait wait... it'll come to me.
@Graci The art of lethargy. ^_^
@CinnamonGirlE Fancy!
@MLClark @CinnamonGirlE You are always a joy! Thank you for being ultra rad.
@wolfwoman That is a total mood.
Bill and Ted 2024... Be Excellent to Each other.
That's something I could really get behind.
@Vilamundi Hail java, motivator of my neurons, mover of my synapses to task.
@wolfwoman It's still utterly mind boggling to me that we've found ourselves here. There is a feeling of either having slipped into a strange alternate reality, or the possibility that reality's cheese has slipped its cracker.
@wolfwoman This would also target transgender individuals.
The rules for changing your name on a birth certificate vary by state. It can either be a lengthy process by mail, or require an actual presence.
However, it's easier to get things done with things like pass ports, ssi cards, etc.
So suddenly another cadre of voters who traditionally veer left (Because often the right runs on a platform of destroying us) are off the rolls.
@AskTheDevil @gemswinc Exactly! The Nuclear reactor that we have in most common use in the US is there because its a plutonium breeder in the right circumstances. This is part of the Nuclear Warfare Production doctrine of the US, but it does not have to be this way.
@Tacitus_Kilgore @AskTheDevil @gemswinc My understanding is India, and we have just as much if not more.
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.