Beautiful advice from Granny Guns.
Live a life worth living!
@JPSCHWEIZER63 I've traveled all over doing care giving, and yeah, a week is along time. I hope you have many opportunities for self care as you work to be present for your Aunt.
@Sr0bi I can do that... with spell check enabled :P
@JPSCHWEIZER63 Showing up and being present for loved ones is a wonderful and kind hearted thing. I hope it's a good visit today.
@JPSCHWEIZER63 That's what happened to me. I was up a lot later than normal. I was very sore from the Vax and didn't want to lay down.
I hope you were able to get some rest, groovy soul.
@duglop sounds like a perfect end to the day. Rest well buddy.
@Ulf The answer to fire is not more fire, the answer to fire is water. The answer to hatred is not more hatred, but compassion.
If only 10% more people embraced compassion the world would be forever changed for the better.
People say it is impossible, all the while praising people like King and Ghandi (Though I admit Ghandi had many flaws) their movements of Non Violent Resistance change the world.
@th3j35t3r I think Trump and the support he gets is an expression of rage. People in that kind of emotional state, often discard their reason to their own and everyone else's detriment.
I fear many people will ride that to the very end, and then ask how it all happened, when the truth is, their anger and hatred allowed it to happen.
That's how he gets away with it. He said it out loud. "I am your vengeance"
@Tacitus_Kilgore Coso call?
did someone say pumpkin spice?
@Baar_orso Its not delivery its Dijorno!
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.