This may seem chessey but I said to myself. "Hello anger, and irritation. It's ok. I'm not going to do anything but sit with you, and work this out. I'm going to choose patience, not force."
No toxic positivity, no plastering on of smiles. My brain was doing its chemical thing I guess, as it wont to do, and adding to that fire, would only make it hotter.
So I went on with my morning, focusing on my breathing, working on my routines, drilling down into those things that I know bring peace.
Good morning groovy souls!
Yesterday I did my best to rest, but still some elements of stress did find me. I went to bed mostly on time, and slept hard.
I had some anxiety nightmares, and woke up cranky and irritated.
I've been trying to cultivate mindfulness, and so I stood for a moment before the mirror and breathed, then decided to respond the same way I respond to others that I try to be there for.
@Spagesgallo1 What's going on buddy?
@Autumn @th3j35t3r That is gorgeous!
@FrankCannon You're a good and groovy soul, and it's a blessing to know you.
@wolfwoman It was an absolute joy to see you and I look forward to our next meeting!
Travel safely groovy soul!
@Madken65 Good morning Colonel! How are you doing today?
@MidnightRider Absolutely true. All Aboard the party train!
We carry within ourselves, the legacy of our ancestors, and of untold stars whose light has never been seen by man. Elements of their stellar forges live on in us. We carry water within us that fell on battlefields, and great saints, it all just keeps moving around, existence every changing, shifting.
It's incredible when I stop to consider it.
Good morning groovy souls!
The birds are singing. It's a brilliant beautiful Sunday out there, with many adventures waiting!
I was thinking of clouds some this morning while I was meditating. There are times where they cover the sky, then they dissipate, some parts of them fall to earth as rain, while other elements of them continue in the sky, unseen, but the cloud is still there, just changed.
Such a thing seems a truth for all that is.
I had a wonderful time at Colonial Williamsburg. I visited George Washington's and Thomas Jefferson's church.
That was wild. Saw many good things and we only got started.
More for next time!
I got to end the day with another visit from @wolfwoman She is the raddest, and has a wonderful family.
It's time to rest groovy souls. Until tomorrow!
Onward, toward the dawn!
@ACG2 It's about 20 minutes from my present location, but my goodness is it a beautiful time to be outside. Virginia is amazing in spring I have found, birds sing, everything is green and vibrant. Sometimes the humidity is very heavy and its hot but even then, the scent of honeysuckle and magnolia is everywhere.
I've quite enjoyed my time here roaming about.
Good morning groovy souls!
It's a beautiful, if cloudy, Saturday out there!
I've got one more session in the gym before tomorrows rest day, and then we are off to Colonial Williamsburg. I think its going to be a most interesting day!
Next week, I will most likely be departing Newport News. It's going to shake up the routine further.
Every moment is the threshold of the next adventure. There is something to cherish in each instance of our being.
Onward, toward the dawn!
@Spagesgallo1 Namaste, bright soul. Your friendship is a gift. 🐇 🙏
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.