Good morning groovy souls!
Today is a zero day. I am taking an off scheduled rest day after moving all weekend to give the body a chance to recover.
I've been hitting the wall pretty hard the last few workouts.
Progress is never a straight line, I've discovered, and all rigidity will do is break you down, and cost you later.
So today, no plank, no morning warmup, and no run, just a walk.
Middle path will keep me on the path.
Onward, toward the dawn!
@LnzyHou Exactly ^_^
There are times you have to tell your body what it’s going to do, and there are times when you need to listen to it and let it tell you what’s good…
@Luber905 I feel quite exhausted and am easily winded. Just feel utterly cooked. I think a rest day was definitely in order.
The middle path is where I find peace.