Ok I am pissed off. I was just chatting with @Myrth about mask wearing.
And she had mentioned that she heard, from reputable sources, that wearing a mask does little to protect the person wearing. This was a very widespread story, pick up by all the news shows.
It is based on only one study.
(sorry for the yelling)
Controversy on COVID-19 mask study spotlights messiness of science during a pandemic.
Ask yourself where are you getting your COVID news and advice?
If it from tv news, or MSM. Just stop. Now.
I don't trust either the CDC, nor the WHO. They both are comprised.
Also never trust some TV doctor. I don't care who they are, or what channel.
At this moment the best source for COVID news is. This.
County health department has been the lead on our re-starting jury trials. Do I trust them? No. That’s why I am anxious about my safety.
Well, it’s a GOP County, and despite three positive cases in our courthouse, they just suggested we could get tested, but we didn’t need to quarantine. They didn’t even disclose the names of all, but said we might have been exposed. Because, gee, we cannot shut down the courthouse. They closed one day for “cleaning” — wiping down hand rails and door knobs. That was it.
And we have little mask compliance. Mostly dick nose and ball sack wearing, as opposed to properly wearing a mask.
I was tested. The test was unpleasant but not bad.
Then I waited. And waited. One week. Two weeks.
And, it turns out the lab threw away a bunch of our tests because they couldn’t test them “in time” so they suggested I do it again! Same with my co-workers. We never got our results.
NO, testing is for Trump. And his staff. Around here, testing is a joke. If I get sick, I will try again. But not until then.
Yes, If you can, get tested.
It only hurts for a moment.
I understand your fear, and apprehension. Yet do the best you can. That idea of a face shield is a good one. Also at least bring several pair of disposable gloves, and extra cheap masks. Maybe if you ask, the people near you will put on a mask if it is right in front of them.
You can do this !!