O, hai. Just having a mental breakdown... but we’re going to take the night off, have a few drinks, eat a lot of food, and enjoy the night with @EnochianEntropy instead.
@catbuttsmakemenuts @EnochianEntropy
Things feeling a little better today?
🙏 💕
Recovery is a grueling and winding pathway--hang on, catbutts--we are cheering you!
@Minholkin @EnochianEntropy thank you. They’re not. I’ll be honest... things are super dark right now.
@catbuttsmakemenuts @EnochianEntropy
I'm sorry, Catbutts. It is a harrowing journey and far, far harder than many might understand.
The win right now is in continuing to try, however small those efforts might be. You and your future are worth it 💕
@evistre @Minholkin @catbuttsmakemenuts @EnochianEntropy
Big hug for you. 💜