I really hate family. Some more than others.
My uncle is living in the house that was inherited by my mom. There was an agreement that he pay rent, $300 a month. Pretty cheap for our area for a room with full utilities.
There was a 5 year period hat "they" (niece and his estate) did not pay. Then THEY started paying $160 a month after threat of limited service (internet)
Mom dies, no payment since January. I send email asking for $100 a month. No response.
My uncle is an invalid. He had an agreement with his parents. He had an agreement with his sister. That agreement has NOT been fulfilled.
I am willing to honor the agreement with conditions. Those conditions have been presented to my cousin. It has been 30 days.
It is more the principal. There was a 5 year period that they did not pay my mother, while enjoying all the benefits.
I am not my mother.
@MrsBentoBako Do you need the money, or is it the principle of the thing?