Got my second Booster today. Was going to get my septum pierced, but I couldn't find a place that was open/wasn't doing appointment only/bad web interface.
GRRR!!! Covid.
@MrsBentoBako be patient, I was fine with shots one and two but 18 hours after the booster I was a zombie.
@Silea @MrsBentoBako I was a zombie the day after, but only for one day. Fatigue and a massive headache.
@MrsBentoBako All I had was a sore arm for a day or so. Got my 2nd booster 3 days ago
So. That little red dot in the middle of my arm.
Yeah. 6 hours post booster and that’s it, plus a bit sore, like I was hefting weights.
I’m sorry all you that had bad reactions. I really am.