Do you have any banned book related stories? Did you ever have to fight (or persuade) to get your hands on a banned book? #CoSoBookLovers #CosoBookClub #opencarrybooks #BibliophilesOfCoSo #BannedBooks
@MotherDucker I grew up in the liberal fortress town of Boulder, CO. It was sometime in elementary school that my parents let me start walking the six blocks to the library all by myself to pick out any books I wanted. I would come home with a full backpack and I was set for the week. I didn't even know banned books were a thing until college, because I had read a bunch of them growing up and had easy access from the library.
And look at me now, writing all subversive 'n' shit.
I'll go first: in 5th grade our Catholic School librarian started reading us Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone. Then the Catholic church frowned on that and it was banned.
My amazing mom was luckily a public school teacher, who'd been harassed and called a communist for teaching first graders books about white kids having *gasp* friends of other races. She bought me the paperback and slipped it into my backpack to read on the bus.
(J.K. is kind of cringe these days, but what can you do?)