This has got to be one of those “Boaty McBoatface” kinds of goofing with polls stories.
Jeremy Clarkson beats Idris Elba for UK’s ‘sexiest man’ title
@Redskye572 how’s the afib now?
It’s lovely of course, but I know I can’t fit in it…. If you have a head installed above your shoulders, this isn’t the car for you.
Funny how none of his alleged victims are coming out to support this…. And “demand”?
Liam Neeson and Sharon Stone demand Kevin Spacey be returned to Hollywood's warm embrace
Girlie is supposed to write her performance review at work, and I was giving her “false” areas for improvement (ones that sound absurdly positive, versus actual constructive and humble examples), and she’s resistant.
Then I suggest she have an AI write it, and she thinks her higher ups would catch on. I’m not so sure. Even if they did, so what? It’s a big waste of time anyway.
I have motion sensitive security cameras around d the outside of the house, and when they react to something it pops up an alert on my laptop with a hushed little “blurb” sound. My dog has associated that sound with someone being outside, and barks.
Today it’s windy as fuck, and inside it’s a chorus of “blorp WOOF!!” over and over. Sheesh.
I’ll probably say something you find offensive if I haven’t already. It’s okay- mute or block me.