I sometimes forget how much we rely on bees. If the day comes when there's no more honey, it will only be the precursor to humanity's starvation event. I don't advise thanking each bee personally, but let's all thank them collectively for sharing their world and their honey. Especially the honey.
@peeppeepcircus I would LOVE to, but I know I'd just embarrass myself and thank the same bee twice. 😉
Honey is lovely, but more importantly, bees are pretty much our defacto pollinators. When the rate of colony collapse goes unchecked and its causes not remedied, the planet suffers.
@MisterFoxGuy i feel the same about yellow jackets and hornets. We need them so bad.
@MisterFoxGuy To add to the wonderfulness of bees, some of them fall asleep inside flowers holding another bee's feet.
Ok but I will still continue to thank each one personally. 😁
#cosopollinators #savethebees