@wildnfree I wound up more-or-less quitting FB because of that. I found it too hard to keep hiding my reality.🙁
@wildnfree The “everyone is living a better life than you are” is more FB than Twitter. The other two, well, yeah.
@beard Erm, “prosecuted”, not “persecuted”.
You know you're in the wrong line of work as a suicide bomber when you fail to kill anyone AND fail to suicide. #NYC
A concise summary, with useful illustrations, of #TrumpRussia.
@Rezn8Zero @DanceLight Robert Downey Jr. is the son of Robert Downey, the director of some satirical comedy movies, such as https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putney_Swope
@Rezn8Zero Arlington, actually.
@Kilikaz3n @Rezn8Zero because you’re so much younger than me. Feeling my age and then some.
How do we get some of the good-to-follow folks to join us here, like the rest of #TeamPatriot, the better journalists, etc? Will we have to get much larger before that happens? Can’t give up Twitter until they do.
@Rezn8Zero I live in the inner suburbs now.
@Rezn8Zero My brain is wired to notice typos, misspellings, grammatical mistakes, and I lack the self-control to keep them to myself. 🧐
@Rezn8Zero Nabors.
@Kilikaz3n @Rezn8Zero I hate you. ;-)
@Rezn8Zero @DanceLight Do you remember when he claimed to have been attacked and a swastika carved into his forehead. Only problem is that it was backwards and clearly done by himself for publicity. http://www.bogushatecrimes.com/89_MortonDowneySwastika.php
@Rezn8Zero @DanceLight Morton Downey, Jr.?
@AndyRogers I went to a rather strange (and short-lived) camp that summer. They wrote to parents to get permission for their kids to go to Woodstock (and money for the ticket). We took two school buses worth of kids. I had been into the Monkees, but Woodstock changed my music tastes for good. Long time ago, but I still remember some of it.
@librarian I’m approved for medical marijuana, but haven’t completed the state form yet. I would be marching if I were up to it physically. I went door-to-door with an anti-war (Viet Nam) petition at age 11, did the Mayday protest in DC at 15. Those days are long past me, alas.
@HolidayOnTheMoon She’s 12 weeks old. We got her at 9 weeks old, very scared and unsocialized. Now she’s a love bunny.