
The story of MAGA Republican Congressman-elect George Santos keeps getting worse. His entire life appears to be a lie -- and now it appears he may be funded by foreign adversaries. This fraud is a threat to national security.

@MeidasTouch we need to make certain lies disqualifying to run for office.

@TrueBloodNet @MeidasTouch

This guy is a POS, but would it kill people to read about the candidates before they vote? A lot of this information was available before election day.

10 minutes of reading and we could save BILLIONS in dirty campaign donations and ethics investigations.

Thanks for being on top of this. This guy needs to be investigated by Homeland Security STAT.


Everything about his life is a lie except for the part where he is a national threat and should be on his way to Guantanamo. This shit pisses me off. Innumerous amount of people sitting in the clink for.montha and sometimes years pending investigation and charges. Innocent until proven guilty is absolute bullshit. It's a fucking loop hole for the wealthy traitors and a noose for everyone else.


They need to put these fuckers in jail pending charges and trial with no bond. This is the height of injustice.

@MeidasTouch. FYI: I tried to say hi on Twitter but it failed rose s.

@MeidasTouch My wife said that the schmuck also claimed to have been on Hannah Montana. Queue a Miley Cyrus break-up song. 🙄

@MsJudyJetson @MeidasTouch Just really want to see Santos out Congress he very, very sick. He’s throwing shiny objects and my guess is he’s a Foreign Agent.

@VelvetDuchess @MeidasTouch The Republican party is really in a race to the bottom with itself. Santos is a symptoms of a widespread disease in that party.


Come back to Counter Social, please...🙏🏼
The Meidas Mighty need you here too! 💙

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