@see_the_sus @poemblaze how is that exactly? I've been ok, I'm trying get my head out of my you know what and focus on the important things right now
@lenaoflune might as well give it a shot π
@lenaoflune thanks, it's not the first time I've heard that. Was hoping to maybe try a compression tank top underneath my bball shirt but not sure if it would do enough
Are there any #transwomen that can give me workout advice?
I'm at a weird point in transition where my chest has grown a bit (noticeable in tight cloths) I play bball in a men's league & want to play as long as I can. Any advice to make the chest less noticeable?
Clearly I know wearing baggier shirts is the best option, but is there anything that can stop the "bounce" when I run that isn't a sports bra?
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@ModernTemptress So so true!!!
We live in a world full of hate and divisiveness. Today choose to be light to someone. A smile, a wave, hold a door. Simple acts of kindness. You just don't know how you could impact someone's day
This is nice. I just made a single column with 3 different hashtags in it. Very convenient!
@see_the_sus @poemblaze Thanks, I'm trying to find the little things that make me happy, like being with my kids and getting a chance to finally be me.
@WestofMars That we do!
@see_the_sus @poemblaze sorry all that happened. Yeah I was nervous talking to her. Early on I still didn't know what it was, and when we started taking about the fact it could be that, the conversation always went to divorce. I was scared because I wasn't sure yet. I reacted selfishly unfortunately π
@WestofMars I appreciate that
@see_the_sus @poemblaze thanks, I appreciate it!!!
@see_the_sus @poemblaze thanks, I'll def take a look at that. I'm trying to he nice to myself, just not easy at times
@poemblaze @see_the_sus sorry to hear that π
@see_the_sus @poemblaze my kids are all 9 and younger. My oldest son far has been accepting which has been nice. Everyone has told me having kids younger is generally better with transition
@see_the_sus @poemblaze we were married for almost 11 years but together the almost 13. We are still going through it now, we are in mediation but I need to try and figure finances before we finalize it
@see_the_sus @poemblaze sorry you went through all of that π₯ I'm the one that made the bad choices. I was transgender and didn't know how to handle things. I didn't talk to her much about it, and instead went online to find support without her knowing. Then I made the biggest mistake of going on hormones for a few months to make sure that was the right path, and I didn't tell her π Now she thinks the last 13 years was a lie π
@poemblaze @see_the_sus I feel the same way
Just your average trans girl next door π I enjoy video games, spending time w/my kids, playing bball & taking too many selfies π€£Don't be afraid to say hi π