Good Morning Folks!❤️
I hope all are well, physically & mentally! Me, physically better. Mentally, struggling like everyone else. I've always been kind of claustrophobic & staying in house 24/7 isn't in my repertoire; in NY/CT, never sat still😁 Not mandated here(NC) but I think soon. Not going out much now. Students at 2 Universities here tested positive; one's w/in a 1/2 mile from us & isolated in dorm room😬
Watch "Art Of Empathy- Good Morning Sick World" on YouTube
@Gramdma2011 Morning 🙂 I hope you can see a little of nature near you - even if only plants in a pot outside - just to help with the mental health side of things 🤗
@Gramdma2011 I take that one - one three times a day, but I only take it twice and have reduced it as I don't want the unclear head. That works, so you could see if you can reduce it - just be very careful stopping and starting it. I take it for leg spasms. I take similar epilepsy drugs for my trigeminal neuralgia.
@Mandypar I have spondylosis with myelopathy & a herniated disc. Woke this am w/a slight tingling vibration in lower spine so I took one. I try to take at least one or two a day, when I remember them. Ugh; taking them definitely makes me forgetful & that is aggravating; I can't remember simple things that I normally would. Once in a while I take a Hydrocodone if pain gets unbearable after too much activity. I take Rx Naproxen(500mg) before doing stuff to ward off pain, but it's not strong nuff