How can you tell if it's a USA Holiday Weekend?
We are nothing if not consumers.
I am reevaluating my role as a US consumer.
@Madken65 in my senior year of high school, my English teacher did an entire semester on advertising, subliminal messaging & propaganda. coupled with Depression era parents/grandparents, at 15 he ended any chance of my becoming a good little consumer...
also, 53 years later, i'm still friends with him
@redenigma @Madken65 did a semester on group think. 😏
I'm a terrible consumer. Always repurposing stuff, DIY-ing. Going to get locked up at this rate.
@Madken65 Very important. Thank you, says someone who doesn't buy nor have an amazon account.
@Madken65 They’re threatening my income and my freedom and civil rights as a US citizen, I will buy what I need and nothing more until they learn to value EVERYONE of us dammit! They want my money, it’s gonna cost them.