Charles Blow on Trump's continued tantrum behavior...
So he is doing, and has done, everything in his power to undermine the legitimacy of this election. And, among his supporters, that is working. A poll this week by The Economist/YouGov found that 86 percent of Trump voters believe that Joe Biden didn’t legitimately win the election. That would represent about 62 million voters under Trump’s misinformation spell.
Trump has essentially thrown in the towel on fighting the surging coronavirus pandemic, instead choosing to fight the will of the majority of the American electorate.
Many legislators think that they can simply ride Trump’s anger as he works his way through the stages of grief, finally to acceptance. That’s the mistake they made when Trump was first elected.
The trouble is within a couple of weeks, we're projected to have 1600 deaths a day due to COVID-19...
We can't wait...
@Madken65 Indeed. And Governor’s are/will step up. Several have as of yesterday because of no leadership.