Greg Sargent in WaPo, what else might be under the DHS whistleblower complaint?

But over at the Lawfare blog, Susan Hennessey and Jacob Schulz suggest that this might be more serious than it first appears: What if it constitutes an effort to cook the intelligence to literally create from scratch a largely fabricated narrative in its own right that Trump could campaign on?

As Hennessey and Schulz document, many of Trump’s top officials and campaign propagandists have been relentlessly repeating the line that China, not Russia, poses the greatest threat to our election. And some of them have also claimed that China wants Joe Biden to win and Trump to lose.

The question, as Hennessey and Schulz note, is whether this pressure on the DHS whistleblower to report on interference by China and Iran rather than by Russia was deliberately done ...


“to benefit the president’s political interests and harm the president’s political opponent.”

As Hennessey and Schulz suggest, this would mean “intelligence authorities and positions of public trust might have been used to engineer the narrative from the outset.”

And it would be yet another example of the way in which we keep thinking we’ve penetrated through to the very worst of the corruption here, only to see another layer peeled back to reveal still more.

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