No exercising, did someone say no exercising?

@Madken65 who said exercising?. Point to them and as soon as I get up off this couch and change out of pajama pants they’re in trouble!

@catie I refuse to 'dime' out anyone here, way too much testosterone on here today...

It was @sazemisery


@Madken65 HaHa I said I was outta shape. I'll get you for this MadKing! @catie

@sazemisery @Madken65 madking is way better than MadKen. Also Saze, I could never be angry at you. 🥰

@catie I hope your pajama pants are as comfortable as mine are. :elbowbumper: @Madken65

@sazemisery @Madken65 Saze, we should band together against the MadKing. I could use a new hobby.....

@catie Anything we could come up with he would enjoy too much. @Madken65

@sazemisery @catie looks over to Dixiee (my dog), They're on to me...

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