
Also, hello, good morning, and good coffee to you. Newsletter (on a different part of the polycrisis) will be up soon. β˜•πŸ€—


Welcome to the Catastroverse!

I assumed you invented polycrisis yourself, but upon looking I see it is actually a word.

It's a good word, the sort whose meaning is clear even before you look it up :)


Ah yes, I don't want to steal credit!

It's been around since the 70s, but got itself popularized around Davos of all places. Still useful, despite those slightly suspect origins!


I love concept maps, although I may not be replacing my "Hang in there" kitten poster with this one.

It's a great way to view things though, and breaking some of those connections between convergent crises is probably a way to start defusing.


Keep the kitty!

Some of those circles are difficult to concretize--like "erosion of social cohesion". Vitally important, but so deeply interwoven with other factors that the best one can do is to remember that some challenges *are* best addressed collectively.

When there's more socioeconomic opportunity, fewer displacement pressures, and more reliable information economies, that "social cohesion" issue should ease in lockstep with the rest.

But we *have* to think holistically first!


"But we *have* to think holistically first! "

Exactly! And any map, even a bad one can be a starting point for such discussions.

The motives and credibility of anyone who attends Davos though is very questionable.


100% re Davos.

Tooze is a strange one. I get his newsletter on economics/finance issues, but most of it is behind paywall, so I essentially just glance at the subject titles for a hint as to what his class of economic participant deems important from day to day. πŸ˜‰

@MLClark Interesting and enlightening morning read. Thank you. Good Monday Morning to you! πŸŒ»β˜•οΈ


Goodness, that'll sharpen the noggin before caffeine! May there be "polydelights" in your day, too! πŸ€—πŸ’›

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