Inspired by @corlin's latest post on the return of ...

We're all old enough to have been in the trenches with 'zine culture, right? πŸ‘€ Hand-printed, cut, collaged, block-painted, haphazardly aligned, chaotically edited ziiiiines! (You know what I mean. 🀟)

So! Question for you louts:

If you were to start a 'zine today, in the style of one of those grand old pubs, what would you call it and what would it be about?


Off the top of my head:


A mixture of solar-punk, hope-punk fiction, and real world how to do stuff. How to build, create, and nurture. Ya know with what you find, left over by the end of consumer capitalism.


Oh, I LOVE AbZurd as a name; you could build so much mystique and mythology around that uppercase Z in your content.

And in an era of many tech-optimist-co-opted solar-punk/hope-punk mags, I would be delighted to see your take on related themes.


First edition will feature a future anthropologist discussing if Justin Smith-Ruiu was real or factious. Along with tips on personal hygiene and waste management in the deep forest.


The only thing I am a bit twitchy about is that words like "fundamental" and "survival" keep popping into my head, and then I think of our current day Fundamentalists and Survivalists.

It's not them :)

@MLClark @corlin

@LaurelGreen @MLClark @corlin

I'm envisioning a section called - What's Your Problem?

With sub-sections like - I'm Cold, I'm Hungry, I'm Alone, I'm Scared, What Is This Strange Rash?

@ceorl @LaurelGreen @MLClark


Don't go anywhere a Bear won't go.
There be *men* there.

@corlin @LaurelGreen @MLClark

Yes! One lesson I remember well is - Never drink water anyplace near where humans live ;)

@corlin @LaurelGreen @MLClark

Oh actually another book I bought recently, based on a Youtube streamers videos.

It's called Primitive Technology, and shows, with lovely illustrations, many skills and crafts we have all forgotten.

The vids are also kind of ASMR-ish, in that he never talks in them, he only shows, but he is always perfectly clear.

You just hear the sounds of the nature, the tools, the materials.

@ceorl @corlin @MLClark Ima permie, and wildcrafter, asking myself why I never thought to use my illustration skills to share.


@corlin @LaurelGreen @ceorl

I do love that little magazine something fierce. We should give it free promo space, if we draw from its first principles to develop our own version.

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