Inspired by @corlin's latest post on the return of ...

We're all old enough to have been in the trenches with 'zine culture, right? 👀 Hand-printed, cut, collaged, block-painted, haphazardly aligned, chaotically edited ziiiiines! (You know what I mean. 🤟)

So! Question for you louts:

If you were to start a 'zine today, in the style of one of those grand old pubs, what would you call it and what would it be about?


Off the top of my head:


A mixture of solar-punk, hope-punk fiction, and real world how to do stuff. How to build, create, and nurture. Ya know with what you find, left over by the end of consumer capitalism.


Oh, I LOVE AbZurd as a name; you could build so much mystique and mythology around that uppercase Z in your content.

And in an era of many tech-optimist-co-opted solar-punk/hope-punk mags, I would be delighted to see your take on related themes.


First edition will feature a future anthropologist discussing if Justin Smith-Ruiu was real or factious. Along with tips on personal hygiene and waste management in the deep forest.


The only thing I am a bit twitchy about is that words like "fundamental" and "survival" keep popping into my head, and then I think of our current day Fundamentalists and Survivalists.

It's not them :)

@MLClark @corlin


@ceorl @corlin @LaurelGreen

Can we take back "creationists" while we're at it?

@MLClark @corlin @LaurelGreen

Aye! Creation is a lovely word. So is Truth while we're at it :)

@ceorl @corlin @LaurelGreen

Oh, our poetry section is going to be lit. :) So many good ideas here!

@ceorl @corlin @LaurelGreen

And I imagine that when @BosmangBeratna comes online again, he'll be on board to provide AMAZING shop talk for us, too.

@MLClark @ceorl @LaurelGreen @BosmangBeratna

Will have a irregular column called

"Of course you make that out of wood, and it ain't hard to do"

@corlin and a column titled “Yes you can create that with encaustic!” @MLClark @ceorl @BosmangBeratna

@LaurelGreen @corlin @ceorl @BosmangBeratna

All hate mail will be repurposed as found art. :) Waste not, want not.

@MLClark @LaurelGreen @ceorl @BosmangBeratna

We will print all hate email out, cut it up and make paper flowers out of it.

@LaurelGreen @corlin @MLClark @BosmangBeratna

That's a new term to me, and I see some lovely encaustic paintings out there ;)

That's the sort of stuff I would like to be learning of in our 'zine :)

@ceorl its fabulous! Beeswax, plant sources of colors. And such a lovely scent as you create paints! @corlin @MLClark @BosmangBeratna

@LaurelGreen @corlin @MLClark @BosmangBeratna

Ha! As soon as I read the word Beeswax I thought - ooh I love that smell ;)

@ceorl @LaurelGreen @corlin @BosmangBeratna

I'm finishing a Patreon post right now, but be warned, I'm going to type up and organize all of the ideas on this thread once my other tasks for the day are finished. :) We're not through with this brain seed yet!

@LaurelGreen @corlin @MLClark @BosmangBeratna

Funny coincidence, I was just reading some of the Whole Earth Catalogs yesterday on, longing for a time of troubles but with hope and fellowship.

@LaurelGreen @corlin @MLClark @BosmangBeratna

This seems like such a natural, and obvious, fruit of our CoSo community :)

@ceorl how many of us, I suspect a lot were drawn in, with hope and inspiration? I know other stuff emerged. I teach teenagers who don’t have this history/context @corlin @MLClark @BosmangBeratna

@LaurelGreen @corlin @MLClark @BosmangBeratna

That is tragic, and maybe we did drop the ball on carrying that message forward.

But regardless of history, if you don't believe in the possibility of something better, you will prove yourself right.

@ceorl im gonna segway to our young ones, looking for meaning and purpose @Corbin @MLClark @BosmangBeratna

@BosmangBeratna @corlin @MLClark @ceorl @LaurelGreen

The hard part seems relative. There are things wood workers do that I'm certain I could not do without offering fingers to the blood God.

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