
Okay, it *possibly* wasn't the best idea to traipse about in the rain after being sick in bed all day yesterday (yes, apparently I *am* still in touch with my inner six-year-old, why do you ask?).

Hot shower, broth, and more meds just in case I overestimated my recovery, based on the sudden nausea and headache coming on.

But it was a GLORIOUS downpour, so if I die from this, I regret nothing.* 🌈


*Maybe should've touched more knockers. But that's a perpetual condition!


flu symptoms down here can quickly lead to more serious stuff.

My dear Scribe, please take care of yourself, no puddle jumping for you.

We all have only one day to live -
The one in which we are now,

Live it to your best,
Regret nothing.


I never miss an excuse to pimp some Edith Piaf. 😂

Edith Piaf—Non, je ne regrette rien


Piaf cannot be pimped, only disseminated! Such an epic, unmistakable cry for the triumph of the human spirit.

@MLClark Re your footnote ... I give you the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in my old home, Orange County CA.

@MLClark my inner six year old would be disappointed if you didn’t jump in a puddle. In for a pence, in for a pound.

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