We atheists hold a funny POV, because if/when we're "proven" correct, we won't be around to go "Ha! You see?!" to all the rest.

Properly processed, though, this should make us realize that we won't get the last word in most situations. I'll have my truth, you'll have yours, and we'll either live together as best we can with our convictions... or rush each other even faster to dust.

Proving that we were "right" isn't how we live well.

It's how we show up for each other in the fray that counts.

It's not that I'd mind if I was wrong, @MLClark πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ It's just that fact-based evidence, scientific theory, and critical thinking don't support it. πŸ€”




The only kinds of gods I can't disprove are the absent, malevolent, and trickster gods, because if someone set up the universe to look entirely self-generated and indifferent to human action, just to "gotcha" our sorry behinds after death, they did a GREAT JOB.

But again, if and when it turns out there's nothing after death, none of us will be around to gloat or concede--so it still matters more how we comport ourselves with each other here and now.

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