
When I was 6, I was once deeply gutted by the realization that I'd never know the inner life of a class bully. This was a core theory-of-mind moment, when it dawned on me that I'd *never* be able to see the world the way anyone else saw it.

Oh, later on I'd sometimes try to "be understood", as silly humans do--but I'd always come back to that early lesson, that we all live with "self-evident" truths others can never know as we know them.

Good lesson, if tough.

So thank you Robert--ya stinker!

@MLClark perhaps you were more privy to their internal world by how they made you or others feel as a consequence.


Hot dog, I missed you.

Hope you've been keeping sharp and well.

@MLClark thanks Auntie’ M, you were conspicuous in your announced absence as well. This can be a fun playground, but sometimes you just gotta to take your time eating lunch then get back to class.

And then there are those who left the playground all together. Alien abduction? @DarkAlfred on a spree? A Center to Left circular firing squad aimed inward instead of outside the circle? Multiple licenses to drive on the Internet have been revoked?


Oh you had my hopes up that DarkAlfred was operational for a hot sec there. 🀣 One day!


"A Center to Left circular firing squad aimed inward unstead of outside the circle"

😬 Wait, are you trying to tell me that shooting *outside* the circle was ever a possibility? Inconceivable!

@MLClark oh in this time of a war to preserve something like a democracy I would hope moderatly disparate people could join together as, hmmmmm, allies to fight common enemies. Maybe it’s spontaneous relapse into Twitter learned combativeness.


@MLClark I have gained the occasional glimpse into the mind of bullies over the years, but rarely without making them cry in the process.

@MLClark this was so wholesome my chest cavity just farted.

Send hlep.


🀣 Better a chest fart than a 'burster! πŸ‘Ύ


I hope it was a great trip, you made new friends, and the gift shop on exit was *out of this world*! 😎


Ooooooh, you gave me an idea for a poem! I think I need to write a few choice words about my class bully. His name was Lazlo, so I already have a title. 😑 πŸ˜‚


πŸ€” "Lazlo the Azhol"?


You know I can't wait to read it!


🀣 I was too innocent to think of that at the time of the bullying, but if I ever see him again, you know I won't be afraid to let him have it!!!


As a wee sprog, I tried to insist on being called Margaret, with all the syllables, so the kids very logically called me by proximate words with three syllables. I was "Margarine" and "Cigarette" for a year.

Still better than the Grade 4 teacher who would shout "Hey, Shrimp!" down the hall, at the little 2nd-grader going upstairs to take math with the 6th-graders, though!

πŸ™ƒ Elementary was a trip, eh?


Omg, "Cigarette" though! Holy... smokes, I guess. 😁 My name was a nightmare at my anglophone school. I couldn't possibly recount the horror of the rhymes and how they evolved over time... πŸ˜‚

It must have been tough to be the little one in the big kids' math class. Some of them would have been quite jealous, I'm sure. This is quite outside the realm of my own experience, but I did miraculously give birth to a mathematically gifted child, so I know things are better for kids today.


I guess I should have put commas around "miraculously" there. πŸ˜‚


...but, miraculously, I did give birth to a....

*there we go, that's it πŸ˜‚


AH YES, the miracle mathematics birth! πŸ˜‚

That's when the Angel Pythagoras came down and said, "Fear not, Lise, for thou hast found favour with (Kurt) GΓΆd(el)", right? πŸ˜‰

@MLClark Far more imaginative than the playground Stuart/Pooart rhyme I got 🀣


@stueytheround @MLClark @LiseL my last name has "joke" in its pronunciation. One of the many things I was tormented with.

@stueytheround @MLClark

Children will work with whatever materials they have. πŸ˜‚

@stueytheround @LiseL

Ah, the body-humour classics.

I *want* to say that it's a special phase in human development, but... I'm not entirely sure when humans grow out of it? 😬

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