Okay, pals.
As mentioned, today I have a deep dive--and oh the rabbit holes I ran down for research! (It's dangerous to let a lit scholar loose on the canon.)
Human rights and notions of crimes against humanity, especially in fields of combat, were only recently codified well. Most of our history has been spent hashing out raw entitlements to sovereign power. We've barely scratched the surface on what we owe each other.
Can we ever build a truly humanitarian world now?
@MLClark Yes, we can. We HAVE to start somewhere.
@MLClark yes, when everyone changes their hearts from a war footing to a peace footing.
It will happen or we will go extinct. Peace must comes from with in everyone.
However I know we aren't quite there yet and latest global violence is disheartening but I think we will get there.
@MLClark IMO the phrase "War Crime" is redundant. ☮️