Alas, a natural feature is getting the urbanizing treatment near my apartment. For years, it was just a beautiful slice of nature here. Now there's fencing going up - no idea if as a precursor to a building project. The fence line supposedly comes with lighting to make the site safer at night, but it'll also block grounds access to the merry moo cows who wander this route from farm to other urban pastures.
Adiós to a lovely view, and to a happy compromise between humans and the rest of nature.
Pelo de bruja (witch's hair) here, but yes! :)
@MLClark OOOO witch's hair??? 😮 😁 👍 OK that is much, much more evocative that boring old "Spanish Moss". Love it!
I mean Pelo de Bruja.
El Noche de Bruja means Halloween, my neighbors told me!