
👌 I tried out a new podcast this morning, which was deeeelightfully sociopathic in the way most podcasts about economics are: always talking about "products", "industry growth", "competing market pressures" & "local government pushback" as if none of these things have actual people & cultures attached.

🤔 Might do a piece on how moving from oil is a moral imperative for social reasons as much as environmental, because our idea of the "rising nation" is pinned to economics that cause great harm.

@elmaxx Maxx! 💫 I love a good podcast rec. 🤗 Thanks for this one. The episode guide looks phenomenal. Were there any standouts for you, to start?


deeeelightfully sociopathic ... that's a whole mood 😆

@MLClark the incessant growth talk does my head in - until we move away from that particular central notion progress is not happening

@Zailrand Whenever I hear growth now I hear "metastasis". 🙃

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