πŸŽ‰ Woo! The geekiness begins!

Today for , I introduce a review series for and general lovers of moral philosophy. is a terrific site for discourse, so I'm going to be reviewing all upcoming episodes on a "happy human" scale, for how well each holds ideas in tension & develops complexity around the problems it presents.

(Not yo' usual reviews, I know! But hopefully a lot more thought-provoking & fun.)

Hope you'll engage! πŸ˜… 🌌 onlysky.media/mclark/star-trek


I absolutely love this perspective and the first entry is a rich trove.

To me, difficult moral or ethical choices make the most interesting and important stories.

Who can shoot fastest and straightest is supremely boring to me, but the dilemma under pressure of "should I shoot" really engages me.

I will be a regular reader of this series, even though I don't even have a TV or streaming service :)


@ceorl Oh, Ceorl! Thanks so much for reading, and for your thoughts. I wholeheartedly agree, and I look forward to your insights on the issues raised by these episodes, even if you can't watch them yourself right away.


Well thanks to your synopses, I don't really need to see the acting or special effects to grasp and consider the dilemmas. :)

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