
YAY! πŸŽ‰ I'm so thrilled to have folks joining me here! ! Can you help me in welcoming a new face?

I'd like to introduce @lincolnandrews, a wonderful fellow who loves , and who is a survivor who writes the most poignant pieces about the loss of son, and about the importance of how we talk about , , , and . You can find his work here. Give him a πŸ‘‹ and a πŸ€— if you see him posting here!

@MLClark It's my pleasure. I'm also a very odd duck. I get the sense this is a very pleasant pond.

@remittancegirl Just a right pair of quackers looking to make a splash wherever they'll have us. :)

Sorry for your OS issues. Hope they resolve soon!

@MLClark I'm intrigued by your job of translator. What languages do you work in?

@remittancegirl Spanish! I've been translating the work of a local Colombian writer (no, not that one -- there are others!). I produced the first English translation of his short stories this past month, and I'm currently working on his most famous novel. TomΓ‘s Carrasquilla is widely read in Antioquia's schools, but completely unknown in English. Interesting time-capsule of rural-to-urban life 100 years ago! It's a labour of love for the place I call home.

@remittancegirl Just testing a slightly glitchy comment system to see if it'll let me add this link (it didn't for the last). This is the short story collection.

@MLClark - Wow, thanks so much for the great welcome, and for introducing me to this site!

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