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But the media consumption graphic only tells part of the story. “I read basically everything,” Juror 2 said. “I follow Truth Social posts from Trump on Twitter.

WTF did I just hear?

Tell me this is not true.

Clair McCaskill just said that one of the jurors said they get their news from "Truth Social".

If that's true, why go through the motions of pretending this is a trial?

Reminder that today prosecutors will interrogate Trump's Pecker.

Trying to think of a punchline for a joke that begins:

So a porn star and a bible salesman walk into a court room.

The other NYC trial:

NY AG Letitia James filed a formal objection to the bond Trump tried to post, telling the court, in substance, that the bond isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

Monday Forecast:

Stinky goes back to court to sleep more.

Russia throws hissy fit, expect high waves of anti-Western/pro-Kremlin propaganda.

Most of us have to go to work :(

Russia furious over Congress approving military aid package:

The decision "will make the United States of America richer, further ruin Ukraine and result in the deaths of even more Ukrainians, the fault of the Kyiv regime," Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said in remarks reported by Russia's state news agencies.

Me: says the guy who was saying that Ukrainians cannot be rehabilitated and they all needed to be killed only a couple of weeks ago.

Controversial observations

Countries that invade other countries to expand their own territory have never stopped imperialist territory expansion because they won such a war. Never, not once.

They stop after they lose those wars.

Mull that over.

Example: France didn't stop its colonial expansion magically. It did it after losses in Vietnam, Algiers, etc.

When reading internet opinions on what we should be sending to Ukraine,
remember, internet-only generals are bad at logistics and cost analysis.

HIMAR rockets: $100K each

ATACMS missiles: cost $850K-1.7 million.

Patriot missiles: about 4 million each, battery costs 1.1billion.

F-16 cost: about 63 million each.

Cruise missiles: 2-3 million each.

Artillery shells: $3K-5K each.

Bullets: $1.57/round on avg for light caliber

M1A1 tank: > 10 million.

Finally got around to reading Ann Leckie novel "Ancillary Justice", mostly because Amazon put it on sale for $2.99.

Ancillaries are a unique concept and the whole Radch cultural setting was very intricate.

From the time Breq reveals his intention to kill the Radch leader, the motive is slowly revealed. and the situation was radically more complex than something I would have imagined.

Good SciFi, but not a light read.

The House Republican Conference is spending the days after passing the foreign aid package in open war with each other on social media.

Max Azzarello--nut who set himself on fire outside Trump trial--Sued Clinton Foundation

AID to Ukraine 311 yay, 112 nay so far, it's gunna pass

Rpresentative Matt Gaetz floated the prospect on Thursday that Representative Lauren Boebert could be better suited to serve as House speaker than current Speaker Mike Johnson who continues facing outrage from conservatives over his support for Ukraine aid.

Me: Boebert run the House? I don't think she's even fit to run a Waffle House.

Zelensky: "Believe me, Putin is very afraid of us. I am sure of that. Because he is an insecure person. Because confident people, with a large army, a large state, with capabilities such as nuclear weapons do not threaten the world. Brave people do not threaten civilization, and the existence of the Earth - in fact, - all living things - with nuclear weapons. For me, the psychotype of this type is absolutely clear. But no one gives up."

ruZZian builders were left without software for designing objects

The American company Autodesk is blocking the operation of its AutoCAD software in the ruZZian Federation.

lol, Congressional staffer refers to MTG as "Empty G" lol

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