He's gonna run inro a green and red white and blue wall: test 1.
The military below the rank of Admiral or General already have a dim view of politics.
Kinda weird. Usually Health Departments place animals in qurantine if they bite somebody. It's only when they die in quarantine that a brain biopsy for rabies is required.
That is acorny joke.
Yep, totally agree.
I've been working since I was a little kid, officially on the books since 1978, so if I could choose any occupation, I'd choose "retired comfortably and working on my hobbies".
@tgraph52 The South really hasn't changed as much as you'd hope, right?
@AskTheDevil Or when they present with flu sumptoms and spread their sweaty fluid all over at doctors' offices, among their families, or mass transit, planes, etc.
We've been lucky to contain outbreaks in the US before they killed thousands.
Everbody in the Army and at the company that provides monkeys is starting to think about all the people and things they touched before they knew something might be wrong.
I'm at the point where international disease control goes to an infected village only to find that the village has been burned down and the bodies burned to contain the virus.
No it must not. The Pentagon plans a lot of things. Until you start seeing them take billion dollar things out of the armories, it's not a "must have been done".
The other thing that could say it has been done is Congress extending the PDA.
@AskTheDevil People die an average of 8 days after showing symptoms.
Quarantine and testing is 21 days.
It's not airborne, thankfully.
Watching "Hot Zone", a National Geographic dramatization of the history of the last Ebola outbreak, and it's making me paranoid.
One thing I did not know, we first found out about the outbreak when 6 monkeys died in DC, and we tracked it back to Africa.
Does that make you paranoid? Ebola Zaire (90% fatality rate), spreads through bodily fluids. No cure, no effective treatment.
Time to kick the porn habit and switch back sexy models and imagination?
Was the PDA extended?
“We have $5.9 billion left in Ukraine Presidential Drawdown Authority; all but $100 million of which will expire at the end of the fiscal year,” said Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, in an email to The Hill.
“The Department will continue to provide drawdown packages in the near future and is working with Congress to seek an extension of PDA authorities beyond the end of the fiscal year.”
@tgraph52 Has the PDA been extended by Congress yet? If not, there's very little Biden can do.
IT automaton, retired from hacking, I just move data, build systems, and do full stack devops stuff now