Meh, not Satan. A minor demon of the shit-eating glutton variety at best.
MAGAs and anti-abortion extremists have driven out most of the mainstream Republicans at the federal level, and they are doing a number on down-ballot candidates too. What is left at the national level are mostly a bunch of hucksters, grifters, racists, criminals, and other miscreants.
@TwiHusband Goth MAGAs, isn't that an oxymoron or something?
he could drop out.
@SteppinRazor oops.
Already voted weeks ago and an't take it back.
@gemswinc You do know, their families in North Korea will be punished, right?
Final pre-election push to boost ‘heartland’ US support for Ukraine proves difficult
IT automaton, retired from hacking, I just move data, build systems, and do full stack devops stuff now