Anyone else out in #coso world with bipolar type one? What is life like for you? #bipolar #mentalhealth
Not me, but I do wonder what kind of responses you expect:
:"It's fucking fanstastic, I am a god. I have a billion new ideas a minute."
followed by, "There is no point to any of this. I just want to sleep and hope somebody initiates the nuclear launch codes".
You don't drink alcohol, do you? Folks I've known who went through a period of bi-polar disorder (yes, it can be a temporary if long-lived thing) had a lot of that clear up by cutting out alcohol.
Bipolar I and bipolar II disorder occur in about 2% of the population.
About 44% of people with bipolar disorder experience symptom remission; 23% achieve complete mental health.
Outcomes should improve when current treatments reach more people and as new treatments become available.
Includes discussion about bipolar disorder and alchohol comorbidity.
@Lulz4l1f3 I’ve had symptom remission and arguably “complete mental health” for the past 8 years. I haven’t had a major manic or depressive episode in 15 years. It isn’t the same as it being cured. My moods and mental tendencies are still more pronounced than the average person. People’s minds adjust to meds like mine did and they need to be tweaked. I have a family and a house, I have been an engineer at the same company for 14 years. It’s mostly under control. But It never completely goes away
@Lulz4l1f3 haven’t drank alcohol for 6 years. Bipolar disorder is not caused by alcohol, nor can it be cured. I assume you are trying to be helpful, so I am not upset. But if you come across someone in real life who is dealing with mental illness, my friendly advice is to listen and validate. Don’t offer pseudoscientific solutions and minimize the situation. Is everything going ok for you in your life?