
Embarrassing photos of young and younger me, because I love y'all and everybody needs to laugh sometimes.
Roast away.

I'm kinda disappointed. I asked y'all to roast me, and have yet to hear a word about that chili bowl haircut I was rockin'.😁


Yup! None of this fast fashion BS.
🤣 👍

@raspberrypanda Yeah, that was Catholic confirmation photo. I've worn a suit maybe 5 times in my life. You can see how "excited" I was. 😏


Never yet met a kid who wanted to be suited up... or possibly yelled at for messing up said suit. 😂

@raspberrypanda I got caught drinking the communion wine and was banned from being an altar boy for a year. 😬


🤣 well, if you're going to be bad at something you might as well go all in.

@LowEndMuse , possibly because most of us had similar home 'cuts or our siblings did, I'm guessing. I know I did.

@LadyZurk Yes, home cut, and I wasn't fond of staying still with my ADHD.

@LowEndMuse my mom had a firm belief that if she could groom show dogs, she could cut people's hair well. She was quite mistaken. 🫣🙃🫠

@LowEndMuse Nice! You look like Moe! There’s your roast! Lol Hugs 🤗

@LowEndMuse That first pic reminds me of The Dating Game killer. I bet you were a real chick slayer.

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