Today I pre stocked for not being able to smoke the week after my neck surgery. Preparation is key. :420:


I've never seen that size or dosage on gummies before..

@tgraph52 @LowEndMuse

That's probably bc it's a medical dose. Most states have a cap on rec dosages, but med can be whatever the heart desires.

Here's a 57mg gummy & a 100mg capsule from my state's med program.


@tgraph52 @LowEndMuse

I take very high doses at night for sleep, but I make my own oils for cannacaps. The caps are ~30 mg, of which I take about 3 over several hours.

I don't take them all at once though. It's, unfortunately, very easy to bump up tolerance when using it as medicine 😕

@ExecutiveFunction404 @LowEndMuse

It's good that you've found something to help what ails you.

I've only eaten one edible and thought it was pleasant. My drug of choice, since about 1969 is flower. I'm fortunate to have avoided getting myself in trouble with all the other things I've tried over the years.



I'm flower usually. These are just for post surgery. Like a couple days after.


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