Today I pre stocked for not being able to smoke the week after my neck surgery. Preparation is key. :420:


I've never seen that size or dosage on gummies before..

@tgraph52 @LowEndMuse

That's probably bc it's a medical dose. Most states have a cap on rec dosages, but med can be whatever the heart desires.

Here's a 57mg gummy & a 100mg capsule from my state's med program.


@ExecutiveFunction404 @LowEndMuse

My son once gave my wife a 20mg brownie and said to try 1/2. She's fairly new to edibles. It put her right down on the couch and then when I got home from work she was laying on the bed... my first thought was Chesire Cat from the smile on her face. She said the pictures on the walls were doing some strange things. It wasn't unpleasant, just unexpected... It turns out it was a 200mg brownie and she ate 100mg.



Last year, my now 80 year old Dad ate half a 25 mg sucker, and got so paranoid he called the fire department. When they came out they said "Sir, you're fine, your vital signs are in normal range, just go take a nap, you are just extremely high." 😂


@LowEndMuse @ExecutiveFunction404

I don't get the paranoia but I understand a lot of people feel that. It's a shame. Glad he's OK.

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