
Please don't start a generational argument over my funny meme.
Thanks in advance.



Raised on $0.75 cent a gallon gasoline.
3% fixed mortgages.
$1.50 baseball games.
Suburban tract housing.

and the myth of forever growth

@corlin @LowEndMuse it was being at the right place at the right time. I got lucky that year. It's been creeping up since.

@corlin When The dream was difficult, but still possible.

My Dad is always like, "Screw the good old days, you've never had to go to an outhouse on a freezing night to then wake up and feed chickens, and make sure they didn't freeze." 😬

@LowEndMuse We didn't have running water because our well dried up. I had to haul water on my bike. True story. LOL

@awnaves We had running water. My Dad used to constantly remind us what a privilege that was. He was right. 💯

@LowEndMuse Hose water is the best. I don't care if it's coming from the same source as the indoor tap water. Still the best.

@weirdfizz Just gotta make sure you let that hose cool down before that first drink. 😂

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