House Ethics Committee report on Gaetz's alleged sex trafficking of a 17-year-old, with eyewitness accounts of hard-drug-fueled orgies, is reportedly "highly damaging."
Gaetz-for-AG may not even last a single Scaramucci
~ Tristan Snell (Prosecuted Trump Univ)
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What are the chances that Gaetz ethics report is leaked to prevent him becoming AG ? Senate Republicans Signal They Want Gaetz Ethics Probe Details. #politics
North Korea joining Russia against Ukraine is occurring primarily due to finances as well as trying to expose its military to real war experience as it looks to counter South Korea. #Ukraine #Russia
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Republican lawmaker gloats after Texas university kills LGBTQ+ studies program
#CoSoNews #News #LGBTQ #LGBTQNews
Love me some scammer revenge!
Georgia's Fulton County Jail subjects inmates to "inhumane, violent" conditions that threaten their safety, a Justice Department investigation finds.
China Discovers New Lethal Feline Coronavirus (FCoV HL2019) with Potential to Spread to Humans
Scientists from Shanghai and Beijing found a new Type 1 feline coronavirus, similar to human strains, causing deadly FIP in cats.
A new feline coronavirus HL2019 was found in Anhui China, causing fatal FIP in 9-12 month-old cats with symptoms like weight loss, fever, and loss of appetite.
🚫BS🚫FBR lists pls. Get w/global program. 1 Earth🌎 1 people. 🚫Domovois 👊 WEAR THE DAMN MASK! #RESIST #LGBTQAlly slava ukraini