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This is such an amazing feature.

Seriously. No one in the social media space takes the safety and security of its users more seriously than CounterSocial.

So hey ! Check out what J has been up to, keeping this site free of bots and trolls. Is it worth 5 simoleons a month? It sure is! Do consider kicking in a few.

@status @th3j35t3r Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

To all who coordinated and worked on this. To J's leadership and no bull shit attitude on keeping this place safe. To all of you.

Thank you. 💜

Yesterday, CounterSocial purged 24,928 accounts that were ostensibly established to carry out influence operations ahead of the 2024 elections.

Here is the total number of other social media sites who are taking similar precautions to protect their users from this ongoing threat to democracy.

You will not find a social media site that takes your safety and security more seriously than CounterSocial.

If you can, please consider going Pro. This place is 100% powered by you, for you.

@OracleSpirit We haven't progressed socially, only with technology. The same people who jailed Galileo are still with us today pulling the same shit.

Surrealists in New York: Atelier 17 and the Birth of Abstract Expressionism
By Charles Darwent


By 1941, the arrival in New York City of émigrés like André Masson, Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst and the ‘Pope of Surrealism’ himself, André Breton, was precipitating what Darwent calls ‘one of the greatest cultural exchanges in modern history’.

By Dominic Green


Researchers have now for the first time determined the structure of the canine distemper virus "docking protein" and depicted it at molecular level. This lays the ground to develop novel therapies for a better management of the diseases induced by CDV and related viruses, such as the measles virus.

You might not have noticed, but @th3j35t3r has been a bit busy keeping this place safe, and troll free. Nor should you notice, because security here is proactive, not just reactive.

How is this done?
It is the work of @th3j35t3r
And all the people supporting his work by going pro !

It's just $5.00 a month.

Not right away, you are welcome to use this for free.

But think about it.

Disgraced cop and ‘mentor’ gets twice as much prison time for sexually assaulting 15-year-old rape victim after judge rejects DOJ-backed deal

Full story here:

Katie Porter posts a video to Twitter Explaining how Republican and Democratic members of Congress who helped passed rollbacks of Dodd-Frank regulations are responsible for the turmoil at the Silicon Valley Bank.


Folks, we’ll never know bc @th3j35t3r got ahead of the problem-

But can you *imagine* how disruptive and harmful the activation of those bots would have been to our culture? Not only would the dis/misinformation have been damaging, it would have sown the seeds of mistrust and dislike. Conflict. Scorn. Feelings of loss and estrangement. All of the negatives folks encounter elsewhere would have been suddenly salient here.

There are layers of beneficial implications from J’s work.

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Linda Wisner

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.