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Good. Columbia has suspended 100 students, with more suspensions to come.

I'm sorry, what? United blew a three-goal lead to fucking Coventry City? And had to win via penalties?

OK, time for an edible and chill. See y'all on the other side.

Yes. I just invented the phrase "drama dick". I will license it under Creative Commons.

Weird. But I don't feel the need to announce to someone that I'm blocking or muting them. I just do it, and whistle along with my day.

Someone piss you off? Fine. Use the tools. But don't be a drama dick about it.

I plan to celebrate April 30. The day Hitler finally did something good.

BAM! Cyanide.

Um. Why did we not have a screening of Reefer Madness for 4/20?

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πŸ₯ƒ Liberal Librarian πŸ“š

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