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Hey! Didja know that TikTok could teach you all you needed to know about a 100-year old conflict in 3 minutes?!

Suspend them. Expel them. Make them explain to their parents why they threw away a $100K education.

What the White House did was condemn antisemitism. Apparently, this is an issue for this person.

Is he saying that all young voters hate Jews?

The funny thing is: I loathe Netanyahu. I lump him in with the likes of Orban, Le Pen, and Kaczynski. Inherently bad for liberal democracy.

Protip: The folks who will vote for Cornel West were never going to vote for Joe Biden. So, knock yourselves out at the Trump Bund rallies getting people to sign petitions to get him on state ballots.

@LiberalLibrarian @ceorl @Tacitus_Kilgore

I don't think we disagree!

That's my point: New Atheism illustrated perfectly how much the affectation of "rationalism" is nonsense - but it was *so* beloved by its operators, on all sides of the debate circuits at that time.

Everyone was *so* convinced that eloquent argument would somehow bring the truth so perfectly to bear on the world that everyone would have no choice but to believe it.

Pure bullpucky, but a great education in flawed thinking!

Well. Alex Jones coming out and saying that Nazis are bad was NOT on my Bingo card for today...

If you come into my mentions talking about how Israel is "committing genocide", that's an immediate block.

Ugh. I'm out of here.

OK, off to do bupkis. I'm in a mood, and should not be around people.

LOL. This is the White House statement which the Hamas apologists are saying will turn the convention into a shitshow.

Again, let them go to Gaza and fight the IDF. All they're doing here is pissing off normies who actually decide the course of elections.

Yeah, I'm in a mood. That's what LA traffic on a goddamned Sunday will do to me.

I hate Santa Monica. I hate it with the fire of a thousand suns going supernova. The one time a year I venture to it, I'm reminded WHY I don't visit. It's a fucking zoo. It wasn't helped by the fact that I was trying to get to the freeway, making right turn after right turn because I couldn't make a left turn, and then at one point stuck behind asshole bicyclists who just hogged the entire road. Fucking Santa Monica.

Of course, the faculty are up in arms, saying that calling for the incineration of Israeli cities is "peaceful protest". Derrida and Foucault rot the brain.

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πŸ₯ƒ Liberal Librarian πŸ“š

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