
The funny thing is: I loathe Netanyahu. I lump him in with the likes of Orban, Le Pen, and Kaczynski. Inherently bad for liberal democracy.

@LiberalLibrarian I loved him because of Yoni. At first I told myself Ben backed Trump to just stay good with US but then with backstabbing Never Maga, loving on Orban, Erdogan, and his son retweeted antisemitic trope I was DONE DONE. I knew there were some ultrareligious who are like our religious nuts but didn't know of their far right. I don't support the far right.

@AnnetteTRemain @LiberalLibrarian He's definitely bad for democracy, but he's trying to stay out of jail by fomenting war.

@Notokay I wish both had gone two state. Also they need to really come down hard on their own citizens if they contribute to hostilities like there have been settler crimes they should have come down hard on. I blame him for supporting far right but I blame Hamas for the war. @LiberalLibrarian

@LiberalLibrarian @AnnetteTRemain Yes, Hamas is to blame. But remember that the Palestinians were offered two state four seperate times and turned it down.

@Notokay The most egregious offer was in 2000, when Barak and Clinton basically gave Arafat everything he had been asking for, and he rejected it. @AnnetteTRemain

@LiberalLibrarian @AnnetteTRemain Yes. As one of our senior administrators said about this generation of college students, they've learned history from TikTok.

@Notokay I know of at least one person my age who asked for a TikTok or two to "come up to speed" with Israel/Palestine. You can imagine the outcome. @AnnetteTRemain

@LiberalLibrarian @AnnetteTRemain OMG. So now TikTok is a verified source of information?! The place that offers cooking hints like using your kitchen counter as a plate? SMH.

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