Yawn. Another NYT poll showing Trump ahead, based on their secret special sampling. And dropped just before the debate.
"LL! You sound like a conspiracy theorist!"
No. But all the recent polls show Biden ahead, and now the unquestionable NYT, which has a grudge against him, comes out with this. It's not a conspiracy if it's all in broad daylight.
Do you waaaaaaaant, do you waaaaaaaaaaant to come back to my place, bouncy bouncy?!
Drop your panties, Sir William, I cannot wait 'til lunchtime!
This is pretty much all we know about the attempted coup in Bolivia.
All plaudits to scrappy Georgia! Beat mighty Portugal 2-0 in a famous victory.
If you cheat, may you cheat death
If you steal, may you steal another's heart
If you fight, may you fight for your fellows
If you drink, drink with me!