@LiberalLibrarian chain of custody solved. But which bribeable peeps have the other 18 bars what I'm worried about.

@LiberalLibrarian Gifting anything of significant value to a politician should be illegal, fullstop.

Bribery of legislators is one case where I don't think requiring concrete proof of a quid pro quo is a good idea - bribery-driven legislation can cause harm to all of society for decades on end.

I do not think giving politicians the freedom to receive gifts is worth those societal risks.

@LiberalLibrarian IMHO rights should be inversely proportional to power; w/o a Sword of Damocles hanging above officials' heads, malfeasance becomes almost inevitable.

Those with power (executive, legislative, judicial, enforcement-related, or otherwise - including police) should be subject to a degree of scrutiny far greater than any average person, and being in public office should necessarily abridge (at least some of) one's rights.

With great power must come great accountability.

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