
I just read something on Quora which blew my mind.

Bilbo's mithril shirt had been made originally for an "elf-prince". The way that Tolkien writes that line makes it seem like elf-princes were a dime a dozen. But! If you look at the work, the ONLY elf-prince to have been born after the destruction of Beleriand was Legolas. That's it. He's the only one. His father was the only elf-lord to claim the title of "king". (Gil-Galad was High King, but he had no children.)

Mind. Blown.

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@CLManussier Shows a knowledge of the legendarium which, sadly, I do not possess. Man.

Very interesting.
Glorfindel was there before the fall of Beleriand? (Just finished re-reading the trilogy last week, but haven't re-read The Silmarillion in a long time. I'm expect the answer is there. Will check it out.)

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