I am... finding the size luggage that is allowed on the flight next Saturday. See me focus. I can do this. I can find flight information.
Some books are like THE HOBBIT and there's a big adventure but no one actively moving against the hero from the get-go. Other books are antagonist-driven.
If you're writing a murder mystery, the murderer's plans influence everything in the book.
I do have a non-fic writing book that I'm continually adding to and the title is PLOT LIKE A VILLAIN (and Write Like A Villain & Edit Like A Villain). One day it will be done and published.
Some stories need you to think about what the antagonist is doing before your hero acts.
Pre-order ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A CRYPTID! -Live From Seoul - Ehlers-Danlos Spoonie - Rroma - Rep'd by Cherry Weiner Literary - She/Her/Your Worship