@Mauve_matelot I wish I knew ! @LianaBrooks @SandHillThicket @sazemisery @Oma_Trisha @PurpleDragon
@estherschindler @Mauve_matelot @LianaBrooks Do you have a good colorwheel? I mean, you can do it however you want probably. Just follow your heart. 😊 @sazemisery @Oma_Trisha @PurpleDragon
@LianaBrooks I've quilted for years but not done much jelly roll. Guessing you're just doing the top, then embroidery, then adding batting and backing? I did a quick image search for rainbow jelly roll race and there were quite a few. That may give you a place to start.
@PurpleDragon Yes, I'm doing a very simple version of this. I want a simple back because I'm hand embroidering on a large dragonfly.
@LianaBrooks I have no idea, paging @estherschindler @SandHillThicket @sazemisery @Oma_Trisha @PurpleDragon for advice